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Unbelievably Valuable: The Freestar Case Study

Find out how the team at Freestar Low-Alcohol Beer got the FDReview team to help them with their product development...

Freestar Low-Alcohol Beer launched in 2019. The Low/No-Alcohol drinks category is a rapidly growing and challenging market. Stand-out marketing will only get you so far - the product needs to back it up with great taste!

As part of our support partnership with Virgin Start-ups we got our specialist drinks team to take a look. Being able to provide a mix of former brewers, distributors and retailers created the perfect team to support them with their challenges - resulting in the launch of their new flavour a few of months later.

We asked Eddie Dallas, one of the founders of Freestar about the FDReviews Service...

Hi Eddy! Thanks for using the FDReviews service. Was it how you imagined it to be..?

What did you think of the panel tasting your alternative beer taste concepts?

We believe that the value of our experts lies beyond that of personal preferences and tastes. They always consider the end customer of your product. Did you feel that was the case for your review?

Although you have a very visual brand and offer, the team spent some time reviewing your labelling and packaging. How did you find this?

Thanks for your time Eddy! How would you sum up your first FDReviews experience?

The Results

Their new flavour is flying off the shelves, with their new recipe can their top seller.

The look and feel of the label will only get a product so far - but for consistent longer term success, it has to deliver on taste.

The FDReviews Expert team wish Freestar continued success and are ready to support their next product development project!


“Hugely value-added. To get that level of expertise, eyes, ears and palates engaged in the brand and fully focussed… giving their personal opinion, but also discussing with other experts, is just invaluable!”

- Eddy Dallas, Co-founder Freestar


Want to know how FDReviews can support your product development?

Email us at or call our founders Stephen Minall on 07734 454252 or Austen Bushrod on 07714 837314.


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